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BMC Palliat Care ; 23(1): 67, 2024 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38454390


INTRODUCTION: Palliative care significantly improves the distressing symptoms of patients, especially those with cancer, heart disease, renal disease, and liver disease. The need for palliative care is increasing worldwide due to the growing burden of chronic disease. Nurses with an unfavorable attitude towards palliative care cannot skillfully assess the patient's needs, do not communicate effectively, and do not address the patient's problems adequately. Therefore, this study was aimed to assess the nurse's level of attitude towards palliative care in Ethiopia. METHODS: Several databases were searched to find available articles. Microsoft Excel was used to extract and sort the data before it was exported to STATA/MP 17.0 for analysis. A weighted inverse variance random-effects model with a 95% confidence interval was employed to pool the data. Egger's test and Cochrane I2 statistics were used to assess heterogeneity and publication bias, respectively. Subgroup analysis was carried out to identify the source of heterogeneity. A log-odds ratio was employed to show the relationship between nurses' level of attitude towards palliative care and its related factors. P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULT: In Ethiopia, the pooled prevalence of favorable attitudes of nurses towards palliative care was 66.13% (95% CI: 54.00-78.27). The highest percentage of favorable attitudes towards palliative care among nurses was found in research studies done in Addis Ababa (80.31%; 95% CI: 72.00-88.63). Training on palliative care was significantly associated with the level of a nurse's attitude towards palliative care. Therefore, nurses who received palliative care training had a 2.5 times higher chance of having a favorable attitude towards palliative care than nurses who did not receive training on palliative care (AOR = 2.55; 95% CI: 2.28-2.82). CONCLUSION: One-third of nurses had unfavorable attitude towards palliative care. Nurses who took palliative care training had a more favorable attitude than nurses who did not take palliative care training. Routine palliative care training is needed for nurses to improve their level of attitude towards palliative care.

Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Cuidados Paliativos , Humanos , Etiópia/epidemiologia , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Inquéritos e Questionários , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(2): 701-719, Maio-Ago. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424879


Introdução: Estudos indicam que os profissionais de saúde têm alto risco de desenvolver sintomas relacionados à saúde mental, especialmente depressão, ansiedade e estresse. Objetivo: identificar e sintetizar os estudos sobre os preditores relacionados a saúde mental entre enfermeiros que atuam na linha de frente no combate ao COVID- 19. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, sem limitação de linguagem e ano, nas bases BVS, PubMed, SCIELO, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, MedNar, CAPES e ProQuest. Foi realizada síntese narrativa. Resultados: A pandemia da COVID-19 trouxe sérios impactos a saúde mental dos profissionais de enfermagem, os achados revelaram cinco temas principais sentimento de insegurança, falta de equipamentos de proteção individual, falta de exames diagnósticos, mudanças no fluxo de atendimento e medo do desconhecido. Existe uma associação significativa entre o bem-estar físico e metal e a produtividade laboral. Conclusão: Destaca-se os desafios enfrentados pelos enfermeiros no combate da COVID-19, mesmo com a repercussões no ambiente de trabalho os enfermeiros ainda padecem de reconhecimento adequado que incluem situações de estresse, ansiedade, depressão e estão diretamente relacionadas à frustração, esgotamento físico e mental, sentimento de impotência e insegurança profissional vivenciados durante a pandemia, principalmente por jovens profissionais sem experiência no cuidado de pacientes críticos.

Introduction: Studies indicate that health professionals are at high risk of developing symptoms related to mental health, especially depression, anxiety and stress. Objective: identify and synthesize studies on mental health-related predictors among nurses who work on the front line in the fight against COVID-19. Method: This is a scope review, without language and year limitations, in the VHL, PubMed, SCIELO, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, MedNar, CAPES and ProQuest databases. Narrative synthesis was performed. Results: The COVID-19 pandemic had serious impacts on the mental health of nursing professionals, the findings revealed five main themes: feeling of insecurity, lack of personal protective equipment, lack of diagnostic tests, changes in the flow of care and fear of the unknown. There is a significant association between physical and mental well-being and labor productivity. Conclusion: The challenges faced by nurses in the fight against COVID-19 are highlighted, even with the repercussions in the work environment, nurses still suffer from adequate recognition and include situations of stress, anxiety and even depression, which are directly related to frustration , physical and mental exhaustion, feeling of helplessness and professional insecurity experienced during the pandemic, especially by young professionals with no experience in caring for critically ill patients.

Introducción: Los estudios indican que los profesionales de la salud tienen un alto riesgo de desarrollar síntomas relacionados con la salud mental, especialmente depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Objetivo: identificar y sintetizar estudios sobre predictores relacionados a la salud mental entre enfermeros que trabajan en primera línea en la lucha contra el COVID-19. Método: Se trata de una revisión de alcance, sin limitaciones de idioma y año, en las bases de datos BVS, PubMed, SCIELO, CINAHL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, MedNar, CAPES y ProQuest. Se realizó una síntesis narrativa. Resultados: La pandemia de COVID-19 tuvo graves impactos en la salud mental de los profesionales de enfermería, los hallazgos revelaron cinco temas principales: sensación de inseguridad, falta de equipo de protección personal, falta de pruebas diagnósticas, cambios en el flujo de atención y miedo a lo desconocido. Existe una asociación significativa entre el bienestar físico y mental y la productividad laboral. Conclusiones: Se destacan los retos a los que se enfrentan las enfermeras en la lucha contra la COVID-19, aún con las repercusiones en el ámbito laboral, las enfermeras siguen sufriendo un reconocimiento adecuado e incluyen situaciones de estrés, ansiedad e incluso depresión, que están directamente relacionadas con la frustración , el agotamiento físico y mental, la sensación de impotencia y la inseguridad profesional experimentada durante la pandemia, especialmente por profesionales jóvenes sin experiencia en el cuidado de pacientes críticos.

Pandemias , Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto , Bem-Estar Psicológico/psicologia , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Ansiedade/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Bibliotecas Digitais , Emoções , Esgotamento Psicológico/psicologia , COVID-19/psicologia
Cult. cuid ; 27(67): 99-116, Dic 11, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-228577


Introduction: Brazilian nursing seems to have reached important levels of learning during the pandemic, not only because of the need to control the circulation of the new coronavirus and care for the sick. Objective: To know the learning generated from the COVID-19 pandemic among nurses. Methods: exploratory and qualitative study, carried out in August and September 2021, with tertiary health care nurses who were on the front line during the pandemic, in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Individual interviews were carried out, based on guiding questions. For data analysis, the collective subject discourse was used. Results: As learnings generated, the participants pointed out professional aspects (theoretical/practical), as well as personal aspects (reflection of the value of the human being, family and professional fulfillment). Conclusion: The learning provided by the pandemic, while contributing to the perception that in the face of insecurity and uncertainty it is possible to learn and develop, highlights the strength of nurses, who were initially weakened during the pandemic, but which potentiated the sensitivity to new discoveries, confrontations and strengthening of their individual and collective resources.(AU)

Introducción: La enfermería brasileña parece haber alcanzado importantes niveles de aprendizaje durante la pandemia, no solo por la necesidad de controlar la circulación del nuevo coronavirus y cuidar a los enfermos. Objetivo: Conocer los aprendizajes generados a partir de la pandemia de COVID-19 entre las enfermeras. Métodos: estudio exploratorio y cualitativo, realizado en agosto y septiembre de 2021, con enfermeros de tercer nivel de salud que estuvieron en primera línea durante la pandemia, en el Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales, a partir de preguntas orientadoras. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el discurso del sujeto colectivo. Resultados: Como aprendizajes generados, los participantes señalaron aspectos profesionales (teórico/práctico), así como aspectos personales (reflejo del valor del ser humano, familia y realización profesional). Conclusión: Los aprendizajes proporcionados por la pandemia, si bien contribuye a la percepción de que ante la inseguridad y la incertidumbre es posible aprender y desarrollarse, enfatiza la condición de fortaleza del enfermero, que inicialmente durante la pandemia se vio debilitado, pero que se potenció la sensibilidad a nuevos descubrimientos, confrontaciones y fortalecimiento de sus recursos individuales y colectivos.(AU)

Introdução: A enfermagem brasileira parece ter alcançado importantes níveis de aprendizados durante a pandemia, não somente por necessidade de controle da circulação do novo coronavirus e do cuidado aos doentes. Objetivo: Conhecer os aprendizados gerados a partir da pandemia da COVID-19 entre enfermeiros. Métodos: estudo exploratório e qualitativo, realizado em agosto e setembro de 2021, com enfermeiros da atenção terciária a saúde que estavam na linha de frente durante a pandemia, no Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Procedeuse entrevistas individuais, baseado em questões norteadoras. Para a análise dos dados, utilizou-se o discurso do sujeito coletivo. Resultados: Como aprendizados gerados, os participantes apontaram aspectos profissionais (teórico/prático), bem como aspectos pessoais (reflexão do valor do ser humano, família e realização profissional). Conclusão: Os aprendizados oportunizados pela pandemia, ao mesmo tempo em que contribui para a percepção de que diante da insegurança e incerteza é possível aprender e desenvolver, ressalta a condição de fortaleza do enfermeiro, que inicialmente durante a pandemia foram fragilizados, mas que potencializou a sensibilidade para novas descobertas, enfrentamentos e fortalecimento de seusrecursos individuais e coletivos.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , /enfermagem , Aprendizagem , Cuidados de Enfermagem/psicologia , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Emoções , Brasil , Enfermagem , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Inquéritos e Questionários
Enferm. intensiva (Ed. impr.) ; 34(4): 195-204, Oct-Dic, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-227002


Introducción: Los profesionales de enfermería que trabajan en unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) poseen un alto riesgo de desarrollar respuestas emocionales negativas, así como problemas emocionales y espirituales relacionados con cuestiones éticas. El diseño de estrategias efectivas que mejoren estos aspectos viene determinado por el conocimiento de los niveles de burnout y conflicto ético de dichos profesionales, así como la influencia que el entorno de la práctica puede tener en ellos. Objetivo: Analizar la relación existente entre niveles de burnout, exposición a conflicto ético y la percepción del ambiente de la práctica entre sí y con las variables sociodemográficas de los diferentes profesionales de enfermería de cuidados intensivos. Metodología: Estudio transversal correlacional en una UCI de un hospital universitario de nivel terciario. Se evaluó el nivel de burnout con la escala Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human-Services Survey; el nivel de conflicto ético, con el cuestionario de conflictividad ética para enfermeros, y la percepción del entorno, con la escala Practice-Environment-Scale of the Nursing-Work-Index. La asociación entre variables categóricas ha sido analizada mediante el test exacto de Fisher de chi-cuadrado (χ2). Resultados: Se evaluaron 39 enfermeras y 8 auxiliares, obteniendo una tasa de participación del 82,93%. El 31,10% de los profesionales de enfermería presentaron signos de burnout, el 14,89% consideraron que trabajan en un entorno desfavorable y el 87,23% presentaron un índice de exposición a conflicto ético medio-alto.El nivel educativo (χ2=11,084, p=0,011) y la categoría profesional (χ2=5,007, p=0,025) influyeron en el nivel de burnout, presentando las auxiliares mayores niveles del mismo...(AU)

Background: Nursing professionals working in intensive care units (ICU) are at high risk of developing negative emotional responses as well as emotional and spiritual problems related to ethical issues. The design of effective strategies that improve these aspects is determined by knowing the levels of burnout and ethical conflict of these professionals, as well as the influence that the practice environment might have on them. Objectives: To analyze the relationship between levels of burnout, the exposure to ethical conflicts and the perception of the practice environment among themselves and with sociodemographic variables of the different intensive care nursing professionals. Methods: Descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, observational study in an ICU of a tertiary level university hospital. The level of burnout was evaluated with the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey scale; the level of ethical conflict with the Ethical Conflict Questionnaire for Nurses; and the perception of the environment with the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. The association between categorical variables was analyzed using Fisher's exact chi-square test (χ2). Results: 31 nurses and 8 nursing assistants were evaluated, which meant a participation rate of 82.93%. 31.10% of the nursing professionals presented signs of burnout, 14.89% considered that they work in an unfavorable environment and 87.23% presented a medium-high index of exposure to ethical conflict. The educational level (χ2=11.084, P=.011) and the professional category (χ2=5.007, P=.025) influenced the level of burnout: nursing assistants presented higher levels of this. When comparing the level of burnout with the environment and the index of ethical conflict, there were no statistically significant differences...(AU)

Humanos , Esgotamento Psicológico , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Cuidados de Enfermagem , Cuidados Críticos , Esgotamento Profissional , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Enfermagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , /psicologia
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3747, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1424041


Abstract Objective: to analyze the association between moral distress and Burnout Syndrome among nurses in a university hospital. Method: descriptive, analytical study conducted with 269 nurses working in a university hospital located in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected in person in 2019 by previously trained collectors. A sociodemographic and employment questionnaire, the Brazilian Scale of Moral Distress in Nurses and the Maslach Burnout Inventory were applied. Descriptive and analytical statistical analysis was used. Results: an association was identified between moral distress intensity and frequency and its dimensions with Burnout Syndrome and its dimensions. Nurses with low professional achievement and high emotional exhaustion showed a higher prevalence of moral distress. Conclusion: an association between moral distress and Burnout Syndrome, as well as between their dimensions, was evidenced. The results suggest the need to investigate urgent interventions to mitigate the situations and manifestations of moral distress and Burnout Syndrome by developing strategies for workers' health.

Resumo Objetivo: analisar a associação entre sofrimento moral e síndrome de Burnout em enfermeiros de hospital universitário. Método: estudo descritivo-analítico, realizado com 269 enfermeiros atuantes em um hospital universitário localizado no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A coleta de dados ocorreu de maneira presencial no ano de 2019 por coletadores previamente capacitados. Aplicaram-se questionário sociodemográfico e laboral, Escala Brasileira de Distresse Moral em Enfermeiros e o Inventário Maslach de Burnout. Empregou-se análise estatística descritiva e analítica. Resultados: identificou-se associação entre intensidade e frequência de sofrimento moral e suas dimensões com a síndrome de Burnout e suas dimensões. Enfermeiros em baixa realização profissional e alta exaustão emocional apresentaram prevalências mais elevadas para sofrimento moral. Conclusão: evidenciou-se a associação entre sofrimento moral e síndrome de Burnout bem como entre suas dimensões. Os resultados sinalizam a necessidade de investigar intervenções urgentes para amenizar as situações e as manifestações do sofrimento moral e a síndrome de Burnout, elaborando estratégias para a saúde dos trabalhadores.

Resumen Objetivo: analizar la asociación entre sufrimiento moral y síndrome de Burnout en enfermeros de un hospital universitario. Método: estudio descriptivo y analítico, realizado en 269 enfermeros que actuaban en un hospital universitario localizado en el estado de Rio Grande del Sur, en Brasil. La recogida de datos se realizó de manera presencial en el año de 2019 por colectores previamente capacitados. Se aplicaron el cuestionario sociodemográfico y laboral, la Escala Brasileña de Estrés Moral en Enfermeros y el Inventario Maslach de Burnout. Se empleó el análisis estadístico descriptivo y analítico. Resultados: se identificó asociación entre intensidad y frecuencia de sufrimiento moral y sus dimensiones con el síndrome de Burnout y sus dimensiones. Los enfermeros que tuvieron baja realización profesional y alta extenuación emocional, presentaron prevalencias más elevadas para el sufrimiento moral. Conclusión: se evidenció asociación entre sufrimiento moral y síndrome de Burnout así como entre sus dimensiones. Los resultados señalan la necesidad urgente de investigar intervenciones para amenizar las situaciones y las manifestaciones del sufrimiento moral y el síndrome de Burnout, elaborando estrategias para la salud de los trabajadores.

Humanos , Saúde Ocupacional , Esgotamento Psicológico , Angústia Psicológica , Hospitais Universitários , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia
Public Health ; 225: 72-78, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37922589


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to explore occupational stress, perceived respect, and the need for psychological counselling among nurses in China. STUDY DESIGN: This was a nationwide cross-sectional study. METHODS: Chinese nurses from 311 cities were randomly selected through a simple random sampling method. Occupational stress, perceived respect, and psychological counselling need were assessed using an online questionnaire validated by experts. The underlying associated factors were analysed using multiple logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: We collected and analysed 51,406 valid online questionnaires. Family factors and low income were the most commonly cited sources of occupational stress, and 91.9% and 80.0% of nurses, respectively, perceived that individuals in society and patients did not give adequate respect. Furthermore, 75.5% and 79.7%, respectively, believed they were not respected by clinical managers and doctors. As a result, 64.7% nurses believed they had a moderate or high need for psychological counselling. However, 80.7% indicated that receiving adequate respect could decrease the need for stress-related psychological counselling. Indeed, multiple logistic regression analyses showed that lower respect perceived by nurses was associated with higher need for psychological counselling, particularly regarding criticism that nurses perceived from nursing managers (a little: odds ratio [OR], 1.597; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.176-2.170; P = 0.003; moderately: OR, 1.433; 95% CI, 1.180-1.741; P < 0.001) and the difficulty of receiving respect from patients and their families (a little: OR, 1.389; 95% CI, 1.044-1.850; P = 0.024). CONCLUSIONS: Nurses in China perceive high levels of occupational stress and low levels of respect and often seek psychological counselling.

Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Estresse Ocupacional , Humanos , China/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , População do Leste Asiático , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/estatística & dados numéricos , Estresse Ocupacional/epidemiologia , Estresse Ocupacional/terapia , Estresse Psicológico/epidemiologia , Estresse Psicológico/terapia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Aconselhamento
J Clin Ethics ; 34(4): 342-351, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37991732


AbstractNursing is a profession rooted in ethics, yet nurses often find it difficult to navigate the ethical quandaries faced in clinical practice. The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant moral distress among staff. To support nurses and promote ethical reasoning, the Ethics Liaison Program for nursing was developed. The 36-hour program, run over nine months, proved to be highly effective in improving nurse work satisfaction, participant's confidence and knowledge about ethics and ethical reasoning, connectivity to the clinical ethics service, and patient care. This article describes program development, implementation, and evaluation.

COVID-19 , Ética em Enfermagem , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/psicologia , Satisfação no Emprego , Pandemias , Projetos Piloto , Angústia Psicológica , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia
BMC Med Ethics ; 24(1): 79, 2023 10 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37794440


BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals use the ethics of justice and care to construct moral reasoning. These ethics are conflicting in nature; different value systems and orders of justice and care are applied to the cause of actual moral conflict. We aim to clarify the structure and factors of healthcare professionals' moral conflicts through the lens of justice and care to obtain suggestions for conflict resolutions. METHOD: Semi-structured interviews about experiences of moral conflict were conducted with Japanese nurses recruited using the snowball sampling method. Interviews were conducted based on the real-life moral conflict and choice interview. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, then analyzed based on the interpretive method of data analysis. Verbatim transcripts were read four times, first to get an overall sense of the conflict, then to understand the person's thoughts and actions that explain the conflict, and third and fourth to identify perspectives of justice and care, respectively. Each moral perspective was classified into categories according to Chally's taxonomy. RESULTS: Among 31 responses, 2 that did not mention moral conflict were excluded, leaving 29 responses that were analyzed. These responses were classified into six cases with conflict between both justice and care perspectives or within one perspective, and into two cases without conflict between perspectives. The "rules" category of justice and the "welfare of others" category of care were included in many cases of conflict between two perspectives, and they frequently occurred in each perspective. CONCLUSIONS: The nurses in this study suggest that they make moral judgments based on moral values that are intertwined with justice and care perspectives complex manner.Organizational, professional, and patient-related factors influenced conflicts between justice and care. Additionally, multiple overlapping loyalties created conflicts within justice perspectives, and multifaceted aspects of care-provider's responsibility and patient need created conflicts within care. Decision-making biased towards one perspective can be distorted. It is important to consider ethical issues from both perspectives to resolve conflicts, especially the effective use of the ethics of care is recommended.

População do Leste Asiático , Princípios Morais , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Humanos , Julgamento , Justiça Social , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia
Front Public Health ; 11: 1207723, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37841725


Introduction: Nurses experience significant physical and psychological stress that negatively influences their psychological well-being. The objective of this study was to explore the association between self-efficacy and psychological well-being among Chinese nurses and to assess the moderating effects of perceived social support (PSS). Methods: In 2020, a hospital-based cross-sectional study using a multistage random sampling approach was performed in five regions of Liaoning, China. Of the 1,200 surveyed nurses, 1,010 completed questionnaires that evaluated the demographic information, 14-item Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale, and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. To examine the factors associated with mental health parameters, hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed. The interactions were visualized using a simple slope analysis. Results: The mean depression and anxiety scores for Chinese nurses were 8.74 ± 3.50 and 6.18 ± 3.26, respectively. The association between self-efficacy and depression differed between the low perceived social support (PSS) group (1 SD below the mean, ß = -0.169, p < 0.01) and high PSS group (1 SD above the mean, ß = -0.077, p < 0.01). Similarly, the association between self-efficacy and anxiety differed between the low PSS group (1 SD below the mean, ß = -0.155, p < 0.01) and high PSS group (1 SD above the mean, ß = -0.044, p < 0.01). Conclusion: We found that Chinese nurses experienced high levels of anxiety and depression. Furthermore, PSS moderates the relationship between self-efficacy and psychological well-being. Therefore, interventions targeting self-efficacy and PSS should be implemented to improve the psychological well-being of nurses.

Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Bem-Estar Psicológico , Autoeficácia , Apoio Social , Humanos , China , Estudos Transversais , População do Leste Asiático , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia
Int Nurs Rev ; 70(4): 560-568, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37822093


AIM: This qualitative descriptive study describes the experiences of new nurses during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. BACKGROUND: New nurses faced the dual challenge of transitioning to practice while working during a global pandemic. Although multiple studies have described nurses' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, research is warranted to understand new nurses' experiences during the acute phase of the pandemic. METHODS: Registered nurses (n = 46) with less than two years of work experience, who participated in the COVID-19 Study and Registry of Healthcare and Support Personnel (CHAMPS), participated in this study. Thematic analysis was used to examine their responses. The COREQ guidelines were used in reporting this study. RESULTS: Five themes were extracted: feelings of increasing isolation, feelings of intense fear, personal health concerns, shattered and disrupted expectations, and living in a constant dilemma. DISCUSSION: New nurses described their distress and profound sense of isolation which was compounded by their status as new employees and being shunned by others. There was intense fear for their safety and health. They viewed their limited nursing experience with only COVID-19 patients as detrimental to their careers and encountered complex dilemmas and were obligated to make problematic choices. CONCLUSIONS: New nurses revealed unrelenting psychological and physical distress during the pandemic. Identification and implementation of strategies to address their distress and alleviate its negative consequences were needed but not provided. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING POLICY: The development and implementation of policies to address the challenges new nurses encounter are needed. Action strategies to promote professional socialization and job retention are required.

COVID-19 , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Angústia Psicológica , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Emoções , Medo , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Pandemias , Políticas , Pesquisa Qualitativa
J Nurs Adm ; 53(11): 567-573, 2023 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37824454


Nurse well-being and optimism were tested in the midst of COVID-19 patient surges and staffing challenges. Using the American Nurses Foundation Gratitude Toolkit, a health system implemented monthly gratitude practices at 4 hospitals. Validated survey measures indicated that nurses' scores of self-perceived gratitude, flourishing behaviors, and mindfulness were maintained during this challenging time but did not statistically increase. Although statistical significance increases were not demonstrated, the gratitude campaign offered clinical significance through positive feedback and was sustained through the distribution of a toolkit disseminated across the health system.

Atenção Plena , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Bem-Estar Psicológico , Humanos , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , COVID-19
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 31(4): 106-113, 09-oct-2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BDENF - Enfermagem, LILACS | ID: biblio-1518862


Introducción: esta investigación describe la actitud del personal de enfermería que ha laborado en el área de atención COVID-19 durante el año 2021 en los estados de Querétaro y Yucatán, México. La actitud ante la COVID-19 es la variable fundamental en el comportamiento que puede presentar un individuo, es un estado de disposición mental el cual permite influenciar la conducta, esta se ve afectada por las creencias y valores que se han aprendido a lo largo de la vida. Objetivo: comparar la actitud del personal de enfermería que otorga cuidados a pacientes con COVID-19 en Querétaro y Yucatán. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, transversal, cuantitativo en una muestra de 292 personal de enfermería por muestreo no probabilístico, con la adaptación del instrumento "Conocimiento, actitud, práctica y respuesta psicológica entre enfermeras durante COVID-19", el cual se tradujo y contextualizó en español obteniendo indicadores de confiabilidad (alfa de Cronbach de 0.75) y se cuidó la validez de contenido para analizar las variables del presente estudio. Resultados: los participantes corresponden a 130 de Querétaro y 162 de Yucatán, pudo observarse que la mayor proporción de actitud favorable corresponde a Yucatán, no obstante, las diferencias entre las dos muestras no son estadísticamente significativas (p = 0.382). Conclusión: se determinó que los profesionales de enfermería tuvieron una actitud favorable en la atención de los pacientes con COVID-19.

Introduction: This research describes the attitude of nursing personnel who have worked in the COVID-19 care area during the year 2021 in the states of Querétaro and Yucatán, Mexico. The attitude towards COVID-19 is the fundamental variable in the behavior that an individual can present, it is a state of mental disposition, which allows influencing behavior, and this is affected by the beliefs and valuesthat have been learned throughout life. Objective: To compare the attitude of the nursing staff who provide care to patients with COVID-19 in Querétaro and Yucatán. Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study in a sample of 292 nursing staff by non-probabilistic sampling, with the adaptation of the instrument "Knowledge, attitude, practice and psychological response towards COVID-19 among nurses during the COVID-19 outbreak" was translated and contextualized in Spanish, obtaining reliability indicators (Cronbach's Alpha: 0.75) and content validity was taken care of to analyze the variables of this study. Results: The participants correspond to 130 from Querétaro and 162 from Yucatán, it could be observed that the highest proportion of favorable attitude corresponds to Yucatán, however, the differences between the two samples were not statistically significant (p = 0.382). Conclusion: it was determined that nursing professionals had a favorable attitude in the care of patients with COVID-19.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , COVID-19/enfermagem , COVID-19/psicologia , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem no Hospital/psicologia
Front Public Health ; 11: 1216810, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37546331


Background: It is critical to minimize nurse turnover to improve the quality of care and patient safety. In-depth investigation is required to better understand the factors related to nurses' turnover intentions. Aim: This study aimed to determine the relationships between burnout, general wellbeing, and psychological detachment with turnover intention among nurses in China. Methods: A cross-sectional survey using convenience sampling was conducted in one hospital in China between January 2023 and March 2023. A total of 536 nurses were surveyed using the General Wellbeing Schedule (GWB), the Maslach Burnout Inventory scale (MBI), the Psychological Detachment scale, and the Turnover Intention scale. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 statistical software. The chi-square test and binary logistic regression analysis were used to explore the factors related to turnover intention. Results: Our data demonstrated that the turnover intention scores were 13 (10, 15.75), with 56% of nurses exhibiting a high level of turnover intention. Binary logistic regression analysis results indicated that being on a contract (OR = 4.385, 95% CI = 2.196-8.754), working in the pediatrics (OR = 2.392, 95% CI = 1.267-4.514) or obstetrics (OR = 2.423, 95% CI = 1.145-5.126) department, and experiencing burnout (OR = 1.024, 95% CI = 1.008-1.041) were associated with a heightened level of turnover intention. Conversely, organizational satisfaction (OR = 0.162, 95% CI = 0.033-0.787) and general wellbeing (OR = 0.967, 95% CI = 0.946-0.989) were identified as factors that hindered the intention to leave. Conclusions: Findings from this study suggest that nurses were employed on a contract basis, working in pediatric or obstetric departments, expressing dissatisfaction with the organization, reporting low general wellbeing, and experiencing high levels of burnout that require special attention. The identification of these risk factors can inform targeted interventions and support programs aimed at improving the wellbeing and retention of nurses in these settings.

Adaptação Psicológica , Esgotamento Profissional , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Reorganização de Recursos Humanos , Criança , Humanos , Esgotamento Profissional/epidemiologia , Esgotamento Profissional/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , População do Leste Asiático , Intenção , Satisfação no Emprego , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Local de Trabalho , Saúde , Apego ao Objeto
Nurs Ethics ; 30(7-8): 922-938, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37632155


BACKGROUND: "Crisis military deployment" was defined as a situation in which military personnel are suddenly ordered to duty to support an operation away from their home station and in a potentially dangerous environment. As a result of complex changes in the global political and economic landscape, military nurses are assuming an increasing number of crisis military deployment tasks. Moral distress has been widely studied among civilian nurses. However, little is known about the moral distress military nurses experience during military deployments in crisis. AIM: This review discussed the current state of research on the phenomenon, unique factors, specific sources, and measurement tools. METHODS: The scope of the study was defined using a framework developed by Arksey and O'Malley. Following English databases were searched: PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, and Embase, using MeSH terms and free word combinations; furthermore, Chinese databases: CNKI and CBMDisc, were explored using thematic terms from inception until January 20, 2023. Data were selected and defined by the inclusion and exclusion criteria and independently screened by two researchers. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS: The scoping review adhered to sound scientific practice and respected authorship and reference sources. RESULTS: Finally, 21 articles were included in the review. The moral distress of military nurses in crisis military deployments had unique and specific sources and reported positive aspects. The deployment environment and nature of the mission, responsibilities and obligations of military nurses, and the limited rights of patients were unique factors. Specific sources included third-party intervention, military triage, resource allocation, futile care, care of the enemy, and return to the battlefield. Military nurses in deployment reported positive aspects. They grow in their inner strength, build deep friendships and gain a greater sense of professional value. CONCLUSION: It is important to understand the unique factors and specific sources of moral distress faced by military nurses in crisis military deployments and to identify the positive aspects. This research will help prepare military nurses for future deployments in advance by providing useful information to mitigate and eliminate moral distress.

Ética em Enfermagem , Destacamento Militar , Militares , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Humanos , Princípios Morais , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia
Int Nurs Rev ; 70(4): 518-526, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37584307


AIM: The purpose of this study was to explore whether clinical ethical climate mediates the relationship between resilience and moral courage in a population of clinical nurses during COVID-19, and if moral distress faced by nurses is a moderating factor. BACKGROUND: Resilience can help nurses maintain their personal health during COVID-19 when they face great physical and psychological shock and are prone to health problems. Moral courage, as an ethical competency, helps nursing staff in adhering to the principles and values of professional ethics. There is a strong correlation between resilience and moral courage, but the mechanism by which resilience contributes to moral courage is unclear. METHOD: A cross-sectional study research is designed. Three hundred thirty clinical nurses from six hospitals in Beijing, Sichuan, and Fujian of China were included between August 2021 and March 2022. The survey instruments include the Nurses' Moral Courage Scale (NMCS), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), Moral Distress Scale-Revised (MDS-R), and Hospital Ethical Climate Scale (HECS). RESULTS: Ethical climate mediates 15% of the relationship between resilience and moral courage. The association between resilience and ethical climate, as well as the indirect relationship between resilience and moral courage, was modified by moral distress. DISCUSSION: This study investigated the mechanisms by which resilience affects moral courage in clinical nurses in the context of COVID-19, suggesting that moral courage can be increased by alleviating moral distress and increasing ethical climate. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING AND HEALTH POLICY: This study confirms the mediating effect of moral climate on the relationship between resilience and moral courage, as well as the moderating effect of moral distress. Hospital policymakers should value nurses' psychological resilience and moral courage, develop effective policies to prevent and manage stressors, build social support systems, and create a positive ethical climate.

COVID-19 , Coragem , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem no Hospital , Resiliência Psicológica , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Princípios Morais , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem no Hospital/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Int Nurs Rev ; 70(4): 527-534, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37597199


AIM: To explore critical care nurses' perceptions of bereavement nursing care in critical care settings at a tertiary hospital in Singapore. BACKGROUND: Grief and bereavement are stressful life experiences associated with significant health problems. Critical care nurses play important roles in supporting bereaved family members, and their self-competence affects the quality of the care they deliver. Exploring critical care nurses' perceptions of bereavement nursing care is thus essential. METHODS: An exploratory descriptive qualitative study design was adopted. A total of 16 nurses were recruited. One-on-one interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide and were audio-recorded. The data collected were analysed using thematic analysis. This study was reported according to the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research checklist. FINDINGS: Five themes surfaced in the study, namely, family responses, holistic care, psychological impact, self-competence and organisational dynamics. CONCLUSION: This study highlighted the key roles of critical care nurses in providing bereavement care, how their self-competence impacts care delivery and the significant impacts of organisational policies on their capacity to provide care. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING AND NURSING POLICY: Nursing administrators should provide enhanced organisational support to critical care nurses who provide bereavement nursing care, and implement training work plans to ensure nurses are adequately prepared to provide culturally appropriate care. Strategies should be introduced to reduce administrative burden, expand the role of critical care nurses in providing bereavement nursing care, and establish and enlist role models as drivers of bereavement nursing care.

Cuidados Paliativos na Terminalidade da Vida , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem no Hospital , Humanos , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Cuidados Críticos , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem no Hospital/psicologia , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Percepção
Int Nurs Rev ; 70(4): 535-543, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37577826


AIM: This study investigated anxiety, depression, and stress and their influencing factors among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic and after the flood in Henan Province, China. It aimed to provide the theoretical foundation for the management of relevant hospital departments, improvement of nursing quality, implementation of antiepidemic work, and other relevant studies. BACKGROUND: In December 2019, COVID-19 was reported in Wuhan, China and became a global pandemic. In July 2021, unprecedented flooding occurred in Henan Province, China. Under the dual pressure of COVID-19 and the flood, nurses' mental health problems deteriorated. METHODS: In August 2021, 1229 nurses from various departments of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University in Xinxiang City, Henan Province,China were invited to participate in a questionnaire survey using a general condition questionnaire and the Chinese version of the Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the status of nurses' anxiety, depression, and stress. Analysis of variance, t-test, and multiple linear regression models were used to analyze the factors influencing anxiety, depression, and stress among nurses. RESULTS: Of the participants, 36.1%, 10.1%, and 15.5% had moderate to high levels of anxiety, stress, and depression, respectively. Moreover, 42 (3.4%) participants experienced high to severe levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. The scores showed significant differences based on gender, harmonious family relationships, department position, work intensity, sleep quality, physical exercise, participation in leisure activities, health status, involvement in emotion management-related training, and attending self-care-related training (all P < 0.05). Gender, work intensity, harmonious family relationships, health condition, sleep quality, and participation in leisure activities influenced stress, anxiety, and depression scores. Department position influenced anxiety and stress scores, and average monthly earnings influenced anxiety scores. CONCLUSION: All the nurses experienced various levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Related departments should pay special attention to male nurses and nurses with high work intensity, unharmonious family relationships, poor health, and sleep quality, and who engage in fewer leisure activities. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING AND HEALTH POLICY: It is recommended that departments allocate human resources and arrange schedules reasonably, encourage nurses to participate in more recreational activities, and implement emotion management and self-care-related training to relieve emotional distress, and ultimately maintain nurses' mental health.

Ansiedade , COVID-19 , Depressão , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Estresse Psicológico , Humanos , Masculino , Ansiedade/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/psicologia , Depressão/epidemiologia , Depressão/psicologia , Inundações , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Pandemias , Saúde Mental , China/epidemiologia , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso
BMC Psychiatry ; 23(1): 639, 2023 08 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37653389


BACKGROUND: During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses' workload increased dramatically, and nurses faced the risk of infection and multiple ethical dilemmas. In such a situation, nurse burnout was elevated, which tended to exacerbate depression in nurses. Although previous studies have demonstrated the relationship between burnout and depression among nurses, the exact mechanisms remain unclear. Furthermore, environmental factors are also essential to a person's psychological health. Therefore, this study intended to investigate the potential mechanisms of depression caused by nurse burnout and whether burnout among frontline nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated its effect on depression in nurses as an environmental factor. METHODS: A total of 4517 nurses were enrolled in this study. A moderated mediation model was established to investigate the relationship between burnout and positive coping styles, interpersonal relationships, and depression utilizing the SPSS PROCESS 3.3 macro. The direct effect of burnout on depression was also investigated with the moderated mediation model. RESULTS: The indirect effects of positive coping styles (ß = 0.04, 95% CI: 0.03 to 0.04) and interpersonal relationships (ß = 0.12, 95% CI: 0.10 to 0.13) were revealed. Being a frontline nurse caring for COVID-19 patients moderated the direct effect of burnout on depression (ß = 0.12, 95% CI: 0.08 to 0.16). CONCLUSION: This study offers strong evidence for the mediating role of positive coping styles and interpersonal relationships in the relationship between nurse burnout and depression, in addition to illustrating the need for more psychological support for frontline nurses caring for COVID-19 patients.

Esgotamento Psicológico , COVID-19 , Depressão , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Humanos , Esgotamento Psicológico/epidemiologia , Depressão/epidemiologia , População do Leste Asiático , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Pandemias